Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Skipping....though the mud. Ouch.

Tonight: the MudSkipper. A warm espresso drink, the MudSkipper is a mocha drink with hazelnut and whipped cream [always, always, always fantastic. at least for me. love it.] Tastes great. However....I may or may not be up the entire night. My mistake.

The MudSkipper is great if you're looking for a simple coffee, nothing terribly sugary [my caffeine addicted friend chastises me for putting creamer in my coffee or ordering the tasty drinks at Starbucks. If I'm paying that much for coffee, it's gonna be something I couldn't have made at home. She also drinks close to 20 cups of coffee a day.]

I'm sitting at the MudHouse at the moment, incredibly happy that every other song is Ingrid Michealson. Still a fantastic atmosphere, which is made even better by this AWESOME lamp next to me. I love lamp.


Edie said...

sounds yummy and fun. I also want cream and sugar in my coffee. I'm not sure I'm drinking coffee - but it sure is yummy. Enjoy one for me.

MOMelody said...

I love lamp picture!

Amy said...

I don't drink too much coffee, or maybe none depending on your definition of coffee. I'm afraid I do look for the terribly sugary stuff. I like to get the flavor shots at the CX as entire drinks. I mix French Vanilla and Cocoa. I'm pretty sure they're just powdered sugar and hot water, but I don't mind. They still get me a little wired; I don't need caffeine, or I WILL be up all night!

I bet hazelnut would be really good in a drink. But no whipped cream for me, please.

Cdasky said...

The Mudhouse always has a great atmosphere, next time I'm there I think I'll have to try the Mudskipper, although I haven't had much of their coffees.

Hallee Sitler said...

I spend way too much time at the MudHouse, but I've never had a MudSkipper... I tend to stay away from coffees that have hazlenut in them, because I can never remember what the hell it tastes like! I should try this one, it sounds good. And the lamps at the MudHouse ARE fantastic! I like how there are all different kinds of lighting, makes it cozy.