I went to Rendezvous for the first time this week.....twice. The twenty-four hour coffee shop idea really appeals to me, although alot of the times it's hard to find a seat, and not the greatest environment for homework or really hanging out, since it's so busy. But I'm not going to knock the place for being so popular. I actually randomly ran into an old friend from high school there, which was nothing but AWESOME.
Rendezvous has their section of coffee's called 'the arts,' which are named for, well, artists. I decided on the Rockwell, which is a candy apple latte. I thought it sounded weird, and this coffee thing is a growing experience/reason to buy ALOT of coffee all the time (I'm pretty darn caffeinated these days...phew!) I had the Rockwell both warm and frapped [remember I went twice in three days...we had two hour rehearsals three days in a row for the Verdi Requiem and Kellie and I needed a bit of a pick-me-up. Enter Rockwell and Monet.] It's pretty good both hot and cold, although I preferred the frapped Rockwell, but I lean more towards cold drinks anyway, since I've burned myself entirely too many times for a 20 year old. It's sweet, but not terribly. I actually drank it while eating Rendezvous' spinach dip, which is also incredibly good. It wasn't a big enough portion of dip for us, but...we tend to have that problem anyway, so it was probably just the healthy serving :) Kellie had the Monet, which is caramel and mocha, also fantastic. I believe hers was also frapped...I can't exactly remember. Either way, it probably tasted fantastic.
On a home coffee note, I'm currently addicted to the Starbuck's Espresso Blend coffee...add in a tiny bit of hazelnut creamer, and you've got yourself a day.
Rendezvous is located downtown at 320 Park Central W, Springfield, MO 65806.